Windows环境Jupyter Notebook无法访问npm和node(暂未解决)

news/2024/10/18 21:08:23

Windows环境Jupyter Notebook无法访问npm和node


The issue may arise from using Node.js and npm through NVM (Node Version Manager), which installs them in user-specific directories. While this setup works, Jupyter Notebook or Conda might not correctly detect the npm and node binaries due to path resolution issues on Windows.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Check if the PATH is set correctly for npm and node:
    Your output shows:


    Ensure these paths are correctly added to your Windows PATH:

    • Open Control Panel → System → Advanced system settings → Environment Variables.
    • Under User variables or System variables, find the Path variable and ensure the following paths are included:
  2. Set npm and Node.js in Conda's environment:
    Conda may not recognize the Node.js installed by NVM. To ensure compatibility, try explicitly setting the paths within the Conda environment.

    • Activate your Conda environment:

      conda activate base  # Or your specific environment
    • Set the Node.js path manually for that session:

      set PATH=C:\Users\11543\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v20.18.0;%PATH%

    Alternatively, you can install Node.js via Conda to avoid the path conflict:

    conda install -c conda-forge nodejs
  3. Ensure npm works within Jupyter:
    Open a Jupyter notebook and try executing the following code to check if npm is correctly detected:

    !npm -v
    !node -v

    If it still fails, try starting Jupyter with a modified path:

    set PATH=C:\Users\11543\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v20.18.0;%PATH% && jupyter notebook
  4. Verify and Clean npm Configuration:
    Sometimes, npm misconfigures itself when installed via multiple sources. Run:

    npm config delete prefix
    npm cache clean --force
  5. Rebuild Jupyter Extensions (if applicable):
    If you're using JupyterLab extensions:

    jupyter lab build


The problem likely lies in Conda or Jupyter not detecting the npm installed through NVM due to path configuration issues. Adding the correct paths to your environment variables or installing Node.js via Conda should resolve the issue.






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