P3959 [NOIP2017 提高组] 宝藏 题解

news/2024/10/11 18:18:05

P3959 [NOIP2017 提高组] 宝藏 题解



  • 比较??的模拟退火
  • 跑得快但是 正确性有问题的 状压DP
  • 跑得慢但是 一定正确的 状压 DP
  • 时间复杂度很玄学的DFS+剪枝



#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int inf = 998244353;
int n, m;
int dis[100][100];
struct node
{// int vis;int step;
node nds[114514];
int tmp;
int ans = inf;
void dfs(int num)
{if (tmp > ans){return;}if (num == n){ans = min(ans, tmp);}else{for (int yy = 1; yy <= n; yy++) //由谁拓展{if (nds[yy].step){for (int tt = 1; tt <= n; tt++) //拓展到谁{if (nds[tt].step == 0 && yy != tt && dis[yy][tt] != inf)//如果能去{tmp += nds[yy].step * dis[yy][tt];nds[tt].step = nds[yy].step + 1;dfs(num + 1);tmp -=nds[yy].step * dis[yy][tt];nds[tt].step=0;}}}}}
int main()
{ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin >> n >> m;memset(dis, inf, sizeof(dis));int a, b, c;for (int yy = 1; yy <= m; yy++){cin >> a >> b >> c;if (dis[a][b] < c){continue;}if (dis[a][b] > c){dis[b][a] = c;dis[a][b] = c;}}for (int ww = 1; ww <= n; ww++) //枚举起点{nds[ww].step = 1;dfs(1);nds[ww].step = 0;}cout<<ans;return 0;



#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int inf = 198244353;
int n, m;
int dis[100][100], sho[100];
int dd[55];
struct node
{// int vis;int step;
node nds[114514];
int tmp;
int ans = inf;
int short_;
void dfs(int num)
{// cout<<(3*ans)/2<<endl;if (num == n){ans = min(ans, tmp);}else{for (int ysy = 1; ysy <= num; ysy++) //由谁拓展{int yy = dd[ysy];//最优化剪枝if (tmp + short_ * nds[yy].step > ans)//如果当前代价加上后面的最小代价还是比之前的答案大,那么一定不优{return;}for (int tt = 1; tt <= n; tt++) //拓展到谁{if (nds[tt].step == 0 && yy != tt && dis[yy][tt] != inf){tmp += nds[yy].step * dis[yy][tt];nds[tt].step = nds[yy].step + 1;short_ -= sho[tt];//减去这个点的最小代价dd[num + 1] = tt;dfs(num + 1);dd[num + 1] = 0;short_ += sho[tt];tmp -= nds[yy].step * dis[yy][tt];nds[tt].step = 0;}}}}
int main()
{// freopen("P3959_1.in", "r", stdin);// freopen("", "w", stdout);ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin >> n >> m;memset(dis, inf, sizeof(dis));int a, b, c;for (int yy = 1; yy <= m; yy++){cin >> a >> b >> c;// if (dis[a][b] < c)// {// continue;// }// if (dis[a][b] > c)dis[b][a] = min(dis[b][a], c);dis[a][b] = min(dis[a][b], c);}for (int yy = 1; yy <= n; yy++){int ww = inf;for (int ee = 1; ee <= n; ee++)//获取每个点的最小代价,也就是那个最短的出边{if (yy != ee){ww = min(ww, dis[yy][ee]);}}short_ += ww;sho[yy] = ww;}for (int ww = 1; ww <= n; ww++) //枚举起点{tmp = 0;nds[ww].step = 1;short_ -= sho[ww];dd[1] = ww;dfs(1);dd[1] = 0;short_ += sho[ww];nds[ww].step = 0;// cout << ans << "\n";}cout << ans;return 0;

官方数据都过了,但是 Hack 数据会有 \(10\) 各点左右 超时,那我们该怎么进一步优化呢?

首先我们可以发现,当我们拓展完一个节点后,又会回到之前拓展过的节点上,重新遍历他们的出度,但是事实上,这些点中的出度已经有很多被遍历过了,所以我们可以用当前弧优化的思想 对于每一个点记录一下这次搜索之中已经遍历到哪个出度了。

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int inf = 998244353;
int n, m;
int dis[100][100], sho[100];
int du[100];
int to_[100][100];
int dd[55];
struct node
{int vis=1;int step;
node nds[114];
int tmp;
int ans = inf;
int short_;
int cmm;
bool cmp(int a, int b)
{return dis[cmm][a] < dis[cmm][b];
void dfs(int num)
{// cout<<(3*ans)/2<<endl;if (num == n){ans = min(ans, tmp);}else{int tt, yy;for (int ysy = 1; ysy <= num; ysy++) //由谁拓展{yy = dd[ysy];if (tmp + short_ * nds[yy].step > ans){return;}// cout<<du[yy]<<"   |||   "<<endl;for (int att = nds[yy].vis; att <= du[yy]; att++) //拓展到谁{nds[yy].vis++;tt = to_[yy][att];// cout<<tt;if (nds[tt].step == 0&&dis[yy][tt]!=inf){tmp += nds[yy].step * dis[yy][tt];nds[tt].step = nds[yy].step + 1;short_ -= sho[tt];dd[num + 1] = tt;dfs(num + 1);dd[num + 1] = 0;short_ += sho[tt];tmp -= nds[yy].step * dis[yy][tt];nds[tt].step = 0;}}nds[yy].vis=1;//C}}
int main()
{// freopen("P3959_22.in", "r", stdin);// freopen("", "w", stdout);ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin >> n >> m;for (int ww = 0; ww <= n + 1; ww++){for (int ee = 0; ee <= n + 1; ee++){dis[ww][ee] = inf;}du[ww]=0;}int a, b, c;for (int yy = 1; yy <= m; yy++){cin >> a >> b >> c;// if (dis[a][b] < c)// {// continue;// }// if (dis[a][b] > c)if (dis[a][b] == inf){du[a]++;du[b]++;to_[a][du[a]] = b;to_[b][du[b]] = a;}dis[b][a] = min(dis[b][a], c);dis[a][b] = min(dis[a][b], c);}for (int yy = 1; yy <= n; yy++){// cout<<du[yy]<<endl;;cmm = yy;sort(to_[yy] + 1, to_[yy] + 1 + du[yy], cmp);int ww = inf;for (int ee = 1; ee <= n; ee++){if (yy != ee){ww = min(ww, dis[yy][ee]);}}short_ += ww;sho[yy] = ww;}for (int ww = 1; ww <= n; ww++) //枚举起点{tmp = 0;nds[ww].step = 1;short_ -= sho[ww];dd[1] = ww;dfs(1);dd[1] = 0;short_ += sho[ww];nds[ww].step = 0;// cout << ans << "\n";}cout << ans;return 0;

加上这个优化之后,我们就可以过掉这个题了,但是,还是太慢了,需要足足 \(1.3s\) 才能跑完官方的数据。

事实上,我们还有 \(1\) 个很可以优化的地方:对于最先开始遍历的那些点,我们在循环之中已经把他们都处理完了,下次搜索就不需要再考虑他们,于是,我们再次用上当前弧优化的思想,加上一个传参 来记录有多少个被拓展的点已经被处理完了,加上这个优化之后 ,真就是暴力碾标算,只用 \(130ms\) 就可以跑完官方的所有数据

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int inf = 998244353;
int n, m;
int dis[100][100], sho[100];
int du[100];
int to_[100][100];
int dd[55];
struct node
{int vis = 1;int step;
node nds[114];//每个洞穴
int tmp;//dfs用的,记录中间答案
int ans = inf;//最终答案
int short_;//每个点最短的出度之和,用于最优化剪枝
int cmm;//sort用
bool cmp(int a, int b)
{return dis[cmm][a] < dis[cmm][b];
void dfs(int now_,int num)
{// cout<<(3*ans)/2<<endl;if (num == n){ans = min(ans, tmp);}else{int tt, yy;for (int ysy = now_; ysy <= num; ysy++) //由谁拓展{yy = dd[ysy];if (tmp + short_ * nds[yy].step > ans){return;}for (int att = nds[yy].vis; att <= du[yy]; att++) //拓展到谁{nds[yy].vis++;tt = to_[yy][att];if (tt == 0){cout << "Warning!";cout << yy << "'s " << att << '\n';}if (nds[tt].step == 0){tmp += nds[yy].step * dis[yy][tt];nds[tt].step = nds[yy].step + 1;short_ -= sho[tt];dd[num + 1] = tt;dfs(ysy,num + 1);dd[num + 1] = 0;short_ += sho[tt];tmp -= nds[yy].step * dis[yy][tt];nds[tt].step = 0;}}nds[yy].vis = 1;//这个点处理完了,将其当前弧优化归零}}
int main()
{// freopen("P3959_22.in", "r", stdin);// freopen("", "w", stdout);ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin >> n >> m;for (int ww = 0; ww <= n + 1; ww++){for (int ee = 0; ee <= n + 1; ee++){dis[ww][ee] = inf;}dis[ww][ww]=0;du[ww] = 0;}int a, b, c;for (int yy = 1; yy <= m; yy++){cin >> a >> b >> c;if (dis[a][b] == inf && c < inf){du[a]++;du[b]++;to_[a][du[a]] = b;to_[b][du[b]] = a;}dis[b][a] = min(dis[b][a], c);dis[a][b] = min(dis[a][b], c);}for (int yy = 1; yy <= n; yy++){cmm = yy;sort(to_[yy] + 1, to_[yy] + 1 + du[yy], cmp);//排序,降低复杂度,因为越短的边成为答案的概率越大int ww = inf;for (int ee = 1; ee <= n; ee++)//找到最小的出度(其实这里可以直接用上排序后的结果){if (yy != ee){ww = min(ww, dis[yy][ee]);}}short_ += ww;sho[yy] = ww;}for (int ww = 1; ww <= n; ww++) //枚举起点{tmp = 0;nds[ww].step = 1;short_ -= sho[ww];dd[1] = ww;dfs(1,1);dd[1] = 0;short_ += sho[ww];nds[ww].step = 0;// cout << ans << "\n";}cout << ans;return 0;





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