
news/2024/10/5 5:21:26








### Plagiarism and Academic Integrity Overview

#### A. Brainstorming Activities

**Word Cloud:**
- For "Writing": narrative, descriptive, expository, argumentative, essay, report, novel, short story, poetry, structure, punctuation, vocabulary, style, tone, audience, purpose, editing, revising, drafting, peer review.

**Key Terms:**
1. **Plagiarism**: The act of using another person's work or ideas without proper attribution and presenting them as one's own.
2. **Academic integrity**: The commitment to honest work, including proper citation, avoiding plagiarism, and maintaining trust in the academic community.
3. **Proper citation**: Acknowledging the original source of information, ideas, or creative work by giving credit to the author in a specific format.

#### B. Key Terms Definition

1. **Plagiarism**: It is the unethical act of stealing and passing off someone else's work or ideas as one's own without giving appropriate credit.
2. **Academic integrity**: It refers to the ethical conduct in academic pursuits, emphasizing honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility.
3. **Proper citation**: It is the practice of giving credit to the original author by referencing their work in a manner that is recognized and accepted within the academic community.

#### Questions Discussion

1. **Consequences of plagiarism**:
- Academic penalties, such as failing a paper or course.
- Loss of credibility and damage to one's reputation.
- Legal consequences, including fines and lawsuits for copyright infringement.

2. **Common types of plagiarism**:
- **Verbal plagiarism**: Copying another's words without quotation marks and citation.
- **Mosaic plagiarism**: Mixing copied phrases with original text without proper citation.
- **Global plagiarism**: Presenting an entire work from another source as one's own.
- **Self-plagiarism**: Reusing one's own previously published work without citation.

3. **Avoiding academic dishonesty**:
- Understanding and following the rules of citation and referencing.
- Using quotation marks for direct quotes and citing the source.
- Paraphrasing ideas in one's own words and providing a citation.
- Keeping track of sources and using reference management tools.
- Submitting original work and not copying from classmates or online sources.

### Summary

Plagiarism is a serious academic offense with severe consequences, including academic penalties and damage to one's reputation. Academic integrity is the foundation of scholarly work, emphasizing the importance of honest practices and proper acknowledgment of sources. To avoid plagiarism, writers must understand and apply proper citation techniques, use their own words when paraphrasing, and submit original work. Discussions with peers can help clarify these concepts and reinforce the importance of ethical writing practices.































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