mormot.core.threads.pas unit

news/2024/10/13 12:23:57

mormot.core.threads.pas unit

Purpose: Framework Core Multi-Threading Support
- this unit is a part of the Open Source Synopse mORMot framework 2, licensed under a MPL/GPL/LGPL three license - see


  • 本单元是开源Synopse mORMot框架2的一部分,根据MPL/GPL/LGPL三重许可进行许可-参见

1.1. Units used in the mormot.core.threads unit (在mormot.core.threads单元中使用的单元)

Unit Name Description
mormot.core.base Framework Core Shared Types and RTL-like Functions 框架核心共享类型和类似RTL的函数
mormot.core.buffers Framework Core Low-Level Memory Buffer Process 框架核心低级内存缓冲区处理 Framework Core Low-Level Data Processing Functions 框架核心低级数据处理函数
mormot.core.json Framework Core Low-Level JSON Processing 框架核心低级JSON处理
mormot.core.log Framework Core Logging 框架核心日志记录
mormot.core.os Framework Core Low-Level Wrappers to the Operating-System API 框架核心对操作系统API的低级包装器
mormot.core.perf Framework Core Performance and Monitoring Classes 框架核心性能和监视类
mormot.core.rtti Framework Core Low-Level Cross-Compiler RTTI Definitions 框架核心低级跨编译器RTTI定义
mormot.core.text Framework Core Low-Level Text Processing 框架核心低级文本处理
mormot.core.unicode Framework Core Low-Level Unicode UTF-8 UTF-16 Ansi Conversion 框架核心低级Unicode UTF-8 UTF-16 Ansi转换
mormot.core.variants Framework Core Low-Level Variants / TDocVariant process 框架核心低级变量/TDocVariant处理

1.2. mormot.core.threads class hierarchy


mormot.core.threads class hierarchy


1.3. Objects implemented in the mormot.core.threads unit (mormot.core.threads 单元中实现的对象)

Objects Description
ESynThread Exception class raised by this unit 由本单元引发的异常类
ILockedDocVariant Ref-counted interface for thread-safe access to a TDocVariant document 用于线程安全访问TDocVariant文档的引用计数接口
TBlockingProcess A semaphore used to wait for some process to be finished 一个计数信号量,用于等待某个进程完成
TBlockingProcessPool Manage a pool of TBlockingProcessPoolItem instances 管理一组TBlockingProcessPoolItem实例
TBlockingProcessPoolItem A semaphore used in the TBlockingProcessPool 在TBlockingProcessPool中使用的计数信号量
TLockedDocVariant Allows thread-safe access to a TDocVariant document 允许线程安全地访问TDocVariant文档
TLoggedThread Abstract class to implement a thread with logging notifications 实现带有日志通知的线程的抽象类
TLoggedWorkThread A class able to run some process in a background thread 能够在后台线程中运行某些进程的类
TNotifiedThread Abstract class to implement a thread with start/stop notifications 实现带有启动/停止通知的线程的抽象类
TPendingTaskList Thread-safe list of tasks, stored as RawByteString, with a timestamp 线程安全的任务列表,以RawByteString形式存储,带有时间戳
TPendingTaskListItem Internal item definition, used by TPendingTaskList storage TPendingTaskList存储的内部项目定义
TSynBackgroundThreadAbstract Abstract TThread with its own execution content 带有自己的执行内容的TThreadAbstract
TSynBackgroundThreadEvent Allow background thread process of a method callback 允许在后台线程中处理方法回调
TSynBackgroundThreadMethod Allow background thread process of a variable TThreadMethod callback 允许在后台线程中处理可变TThreadMethod回调
TSynBackgroundThreadMethodAbstract Abstract TThread able to run a method in its own execution content 能够在自己的执行内容中运行方法的抽象TThread
TSynBackgroundThreadProcedure Allow background thread process of a procedure callback 允许在后台线程中处理过程回调
TSynBackgroundThreadProcess TThread able to run a method at a given periodic pace 能够在给定周期速率下运行方法的TThread
TSynBackgroundTimer TThread able to run one or several tasks at a periodic pace in a background thread 能够在后台线程中以周期速率运行一个或多个任务的TThread
TSynBackgroundTimerTask Used by TSynBackgroundTimer internal registration list 用于TSynBackgroundTimer内部注册列表
TSynParallelProcess Allow parallel execution of an index-based process in a thread pool 允许在线程池中并行执行基于索引的进程
TSynParallelProcessThread Thread executing process for TSynParallelProcess 为TSynParallelProcess执行进程的线程
TSynQueue Thread-safe FIFO (First-In-First-Out) in-order queue of records 线程安全的FIFO(先入先出)有序记录队列
TSynThread A simple TThread with a "Terminate" event run in the thread context 一个简单的TThread,带有在线程上下文中运行的"Terminate"事件
TSynThreadPool A simple Thread Pool, used e.g. for fast handling HTTP/1.0 requests 一个简单的线程池,例如用于快速处理HTTP/1.0请求
TSynThreadPoolWorkThread Defines the work threads used by TSynThreadPool 定义TSynThreadPool使用的工作线程
TThreadAbstract Abstract parent of all TThread inherited classes 所有TThread继承类的抽象父类

1.3.1. ESynThread

ESynThread = class(ESynException)


1.3.2. TSynQueue

TSynQueue = class(TSynPersistentStore)


  • 内部使用TDynArray存储,具有滑动算法,比FPC或Delphi的TQueue或简单的TDynArray.Add/Delete更高效
  • 如果需要,支持TSynPersistentStore二进制持久化
  • 该结构在设计上也是线程安全的*

constructor Create(aTypeInfo: PRttiInfo; const aName: RawUtf8 = ''); reintroduce; virtual;


  • aTypeInfo应是一个动态数组的TypeInfo() RTTI指针,它将在这个TSynQueue实例中存储值
  • 可以为这个实例可选地分配一个名称*

destructor Destroy; override;


  • 将释放所有内部存储的值,并调用WaitPopFinalize*

function Capacity: integer;


  • 队列具有优化的自动调整大小算法,可以使用此方法返回其当前capacity
  • 此方法不是线程安全的,因此返回的值仅具有指示性*

function Count: integer;


  • 此方法不是线程安全的,因此返回的值要么具有指示性,要么应使用显式的安全锁定/解锁
  • 如果要检查队列是否为空,请调用Pending*

function Peek(out aValue): boolean;


  • 如果aValue已被填充了一个pending项,而不从队列中删除它(如Pop方法所做的),则返回true
  • 如果队列为空,则返回false
  • 此方法是线程安全的,因为它将锁定实例*

function Pending: boolean;


  • 比检查Count=0更快,并且比PopPeek快得多
  • 此方法不是线程安全的,因此返回的值仅具有指示性*

function Pop(out aValue): boolean;


  • 如果aValue已被填充了一个pending项,并且该项已从队列中删除(如果不想删除它,请使用Peek),则返回true
  • 如果队列为空,则返回false
  • 此方法是线程安全的,因为它将锁定实例*

function PopEquals(aAnother: pointer; aCompare: TDynArraySortCompare; out aValue): boolean;


  • 当前pending项与aAnother值进行比较*

function WaitPeekLocked(aTimeoutMS: integer; const aWhenIdle: TThreadMethod): pointer;


  • 在aTimeoutMS时间内返回一个指向pending项的指针
  • 保持Safe.ReadWriteLock,因此调用者可以检查其内容,然后如果它是预期的项,则调用Pop(),并最终调用Safe.ReadWriteUnlock
  • 如果在时间内没有将任何内容推入队列,则返回nil
  • 此方法是线程安全的,但仅在需要时锁定实例*

function WaitPop(aTimeoutMS: integer; const aWhenIdle: TThreadMethod; out aValue; aCompared: pointer = nil; aCompare: TDynArraySortCompare = nil): boolean;


  • 如果在指定的aTimeoutMS时间内aValue已被填充了一个pending项,则返回true
  • 如果在时间内没有将任何内容推入队列,或者已调用WaitPopFinalize,则返回false
  • aWhenIdle可以被分配,例如给VCL/LCL Application.ProcessMessages
  • 可以在返回之前可选地比较pending项(例如,当多个线程将项放入队列时可以使用)
  • 此方法是线程安全的,但仅在需要时锁定实例*

procedure Clear;


  • 此方法是线程安全的,因为它将锁定实例*

procedure Push(const aValue);


  • 此方法是线程安全的,因为它将锁定实例*

procedure Save(out aDynArrayValues; aDynArray: PDynArray = nil); overload;


  • aDynArrayValues应是一个在Create中定义的aTypeInfo变量
  • 可以检索一个可选的TDynArray包装器,例如用于二进制或JSON持久化
  • 此方法是线程安全的,并将复制队列数据*

procedure WaitPopFinalize(aTimeoutMS: integer = 100);


  • 总是由Destroy析构函数调用
  • 也可以从UI的OnClose事件中调用,以避免任何锁定
  • 此方法是线程安全的,但仅在需要时锁定实例*

1.3.3. TPendingTaskListItem

TPendingTaskListItem = packed record


Task: RawByteString;


Timestamp: Int64;


1.3.4. TPendingTaskList

TPendingTaskList = class(TObject)


  • 你可以向内部列表添加任务,以在给定延迟后执行,使用类似于post/peek的算法
  • 执行延迟预计不准确,但根据每次NextPendingTask调用和GetTimestamp解析度进行最佳猜测*

constructor Create; reintroduce;


function NextPendingTask: RawByteString; virtual;


  • 如果当前没有计划中的task,则返回''
  • 返回与指定延迟相对应的下一个堆栈*

procedure AddTask(aMilliSecondsDelayFromNow: integer; const aTask: RawByteString); virtual;


procedure AddTasks(const aMilliSecondsDelays: array of integer; const aTasks: array of RawByteString);


  • 第一个提供的延迟将从当前时间开始计算,然后它将指定等待下一个提供task需要多长时间——也就是说,aMilliSecondsDelays不是绝对延迟*

procedure Clear; virtual;


property Count: integer read GetCount;


property Task: TPendingTaskListItemDynArray read fTask;


  • 警告:此动态数组的长度是列表容量:请使用Count属性来检索存储的确切项数
  • 使用try ... finally Safe.Unlock块中的Safe.Lock/TryLock进行线程安全访问此数组
  • 项目按递增的Timestamp存储,即第一个项目是NextPendingTask方法将返回的下一个项目*

property Timestamp: Int64 read GetTimestamp;


  • 对应当前时间
  • 默认实现是返回GetTickCount64,在Windows下典型分辨率为16毫秒*

1.3.5. ILockedDocVariant

ILockedDocVariant = interface(IInterface)


  • 例如,由TLockedDocVariant实现,用于IoC/DI解析
  • 快速且安全地存储任何类似JSON的对象,作为属性/值对,或类似JSON的数组,作为值*

function AddExistingProp(const Name: RawUtf8; var Obj: variant): boolean;


  • 如果Name存在,则返回TRUE并将Name/Value对添加到Obj
  • 如果存储的文档中不存在Name,则返回FALSE
  • 此方法在查找Name期间会使用lock,但无论是否返回FALSE,总是会释放lock(参见AddExistingPropOrLock)*

function AddExistingPropOrLock(const Name: RawUtf8; var Obj: variant): boolean;


  • 如果Name存在,则返回TRUE并将Name/Value对添加到Obj,使用内部lock确保线程安全
  • 如果存储的文档中不存在Name,则返回FALSE并锁定内部存储:调用者最终应通过AddNewPropAndUnlock()释放lock
  • 可以这样使用,以实现线程安全的缓存:
if not cache.AddExistingPropOrLock('Articles',Scope) thencache.AddNewPropAndUnlock('Articles',GetArticlesFromDB,Scope);


function Copy: variant;


function Exists(const Name: RawUtf8; out Value: Variant): boolean;


  • 如果找到Name,则返回TRUE并将与提供的Name相关联的value填充到Value中,使用内部lock确保线程安全
  • 如果未找到Name,则返回FALSE并释放内部lock:如果你想要添加缺失的value,请使用ExistsOrLock()*

function ExistsOrLock(const Name: RawUtf8; out Value: Variant): boolean;


  • 如果找到Name,则返回TRUE并将与提供的Name相关联的value填充到Value中,使用内部lock确保线程安全
  • 如果Name不存在,则返回FALSE并设置内部lock:调用者随后应通过ReplaceAndUnlock()释放lock*

function Lock: TAutoLocker;


function ToJson(HumanReadable: boolean = false): RawUtf8;


procedure AddItem(const Value: variant);


  • 不应与其他基于文档的替代方案(如Exists/AddExistingPropOrLockAddExistingProp)结合使用*

procedure AddNewProp(const Name: RawUtf8; const Value: variant; var Obj: variant);


  • 此方法在调用时不会期望资源被锁定,与AddNewPropAndUnlock不同
  • 将使用内部lock确保线程安全
  • 如果Name已存在,将更新/更改现有的value
  • 可以这样使用,以实现线程安全的缓存:
if not cache.AddExistingProp('Articles',Scope) thencache.AddNewProp('Articles',GetArticlesFromDB,Scope);


procedure AddNewPropAndUnlock(const Name: RawUtf8; const Value: variant; var Obj: variant);


  • 调用此方法之前应由AddExistingPropOrLock()返回false,即在一个已锁定的实例上执行*

procedure Clear;


procedure ReplaceAndUnlock(const Name: RawUtf8; const Value: Variant; out LocalValue: Variant);


  • 可以这样使用,以实现线程安全的缓存:
if not cache.ExistsOrLock('prop',local) thencache.ReplaceAndUnlock('prop',newValue,local);
  • 调用此方法之前应由ExistsOrLock()返回false,即在一个已锁定的实例上执行

property Value[const Name: RawUtf8]: Variant read GetValue write SetValue;


  • 这是此存储的主要入口点
  • 如果在读取时Name不存在,将引发EDocVariant异常
  • 实现类将对variant value进行线程安全的副本*

1.3.6. TLockedDocVariant

TLockedDocVariant = class(TInterfacedObjectWithCustomCreate)


  • 此类从TInterfacedObjectWithCustomCreate继承,因此您可以定义一个mormot.core.interfaces.pas TInjectableObject的已发布属性为ILockedDocVariant,以便此类可以自动注入*

constructor Create(options: TDocVariantOptions); reintroduce; overload;


constructor Create(options: TDocVariantModel); reintroduce; overload;


constructor Create; overload; override;


  • 即调用Create(true)或Create(JSON_FAST)
  • 这将是TInterfacedObjectWithCustomCreate的默认构造函数,例如在IoC/DI解析期间调用*

destructor Destroy; override;


function AddExistingProp(const Name: RawUtf8; var Obj: variant): boolean;


  • 如果Name存在,则返回TRUE并将Name/Value对添加到Obj
  • 如果存储的文档中不存在Name,则返回FALSE
  • 此方法在查找Name期间会使用lock,但无论是否返回FALSE,总是会释放lock(参见AddExistingPropOrLock)*

function AddExistingPropOrLock(const Name: RawUtf8; var Obj: variant): boolean;


  • 如果Name存在,则返回TRUE并将Name/Value对添加到Obj
  • 如果存储的文档中不存在Name,则返回FALSE,并期望最终调用Lock.Leave或AddNewPropAndUnlock()

function Copy: variant;


function Exists(const Name: RawUtf8; out Value: Variant): boolean;


function ExistsOrLock(const Name: RawUtf8; out Value: Variant): boolean;


  • 如果找到,则返回TRUE并返回现有Name的value
  • 如果未找到,则返回FALSE,并期望最终调用Lock.Leave或ReplaceAndUnlock()

function Lock: TAutoLocker;


function ToJson(HumanReadable: boolean = false): RawUtf8;


  • 仅仅是VariantSaveJson()的包装*

procedure AddItem(const Value: variant);


procedure AddNewProp(const Name: RawUtf8; const Value: variant; var Obj: variant);


  • 此方法在调用时不会期望资源被锁定,与AddNewPropAndUnlock不同
  • 将使用内部lock确保线程安全
  • 如果Name已存在,将更新/更改现有的value*

procedure AddNewPropAndUnlock(const Name: RawUtf8; const Value: variant; var Obj: variant);


procedure Clear;


procedure ReplaceAndUnlock(const Name: RawUtf8; const Value: Variant; out LocalValue: Variant);


property Value[const Name: RawUtf8]: variant read GetValue write SetValue;


  • 如果Name不存在,将引发EDocVariant异常
  • 返回的variant结果是副本,不是varByRef,因为副本将更具线程安全性*

1.3.7. TThreadAbstract

TThreadAbstract = class(TThread)


  • 利用跨编译器和跨版本RTL的差异
  • 拥有预期的Start和TerminateSet方法,以及Terminated属性*

procedure Start;


  • Resume在最新的RTL中已被弃用,因为一些操作系统(例如Linux)没有实现此暂停/恢复功能;我们在此为Delphi的旧版本定义此方法*

procedure Terminate; reintroduce;


procedure TerminatedSet; virtual;


  • 由重新引入的Terminate调用*

property Terminated;


1.3.8. TSynBackgroundThreadAbstract

TSynBackgroundThreadAbstract = class(TThreadAbstract)


  • 不应直接使用此类,而应使用TSynBackgroundThreadMethodAbstract / TSynBackgroundThreadEvent / TSynBackgroundThreadMethod,并提供更方便的回调*

constructor Create(const aThreadName: RawUtf8; const OnBeforeExecute: TOnNotifyThread = nil; const OnAfterExecute: TOnNotifyThread = nil; CreateSuspended: boolean = false); reintroduce;


  • 可以定义一些回调来嵌套线程执行,例如分配给TRestServer.BeginCurrentThread/EndCurrentThread,或者至少将OnAfterExecute设置为TSynLogFamily.OnThreadEnded*

destructor Destroy; override;


  • 调用WaitForNotExecuting(100)以确保正确终结*

function SleepOrTerminated(MS: cardinal): boolean;


  • 如果线程已终止,则返回TRUE
  • 如果成功等待了MS毫秒,则返回FALSE*

procedure TerminatedSet; override;


  • 由重新引入的Terminate调用*

procedure WaitForNotExecuting(maxMS: integer = 500);


  • 在循环中调用Sleep(),直到达到超时
  • 例如在Destroy中使用,以避免任何GPF并确保干净地终结*

property Pause: boolean read fExecuteLoopPause write SetExecuteLoopPause;


  • 例如可由TSynBackgroundTimer使用,以延迟后台任务的进程*

property ProcessEvent: TSynEvent read fProcessEvent;


  • 可以调用ProcessEvent.SetEvent来触发内部处理循环*

1.3.9. TSynBackgroundThreadMethodAbstract

TSynBackgroundThreadMethodAbstract = class(TSynBackgroundThreadAbstract)


  • 典型用途是用于处理数据或远程访问的后台线程,同时UI将保持响应,通过在循环中运行OnIdle事件:例如,查看单元中TRestClientUri.OnIdle如何处理这种情况
  • 不应直接使用此类,而应从中继承并重写Process方法,或使用TSynBackgroundThreadEvent / TSynBackgroundThreadMethod并提供更方便的回调*

constructor Create(const aOnIdle: TOnIdleSynBackgroundThread; const aThreadName: RawUtf8; const OnBeforeExecute: TOnNotifyThread = nil; const OnAfterExecute: TOnNotifyThread = nil); reintroduce;


  • 如果aOnIdle未设置(即等于nil),它将简单地等待后台进程完成,直到RunAndWait()返回
  • 可以定义一些回调来嵌套线程执行,例如分配给TRestServer.BeginCurrentThread/EndCurrentThread*

destructor Destroy; override;


function RunAndWait(OpaqueParam: pointer): boolean;


  • 等待进程完成,同时调用OnIdle()回调
  • 在后台线程中引发的任何异常都将在调用者线程中转换
  • 如果self未设置,或者从当前正在处理的同一线程中调用(以避免从OnIdle()回调引发的竞态条件),则返回false
  • 当后台进程完成时返回true
  • OpaqueParam将用于指定后台进程的线程安全内容
  • 此方法是线程安全的,即它将等待由另一个线程启动的任何进程:可以从任何线程调用此方法,即使其主要目的是从主UI线程调用*

property OnAfterProcess: TOnNotifyThread read fOnAfterProcess write fOnAfterProcess;


property OnBeforeProcess: TOnNotifyThread read fOnBeforeProcess write fOnBeforeProcess;


property OnIdle: TOnIdleSynBackgroundThread read fOnIdle write fOnIdle;


  • 可以为此属性分配一个回调,例如调用Application.ProcessMessages,在后台线程中执行远程请求,但让UI保持响应:mORMotUILogin.pas中的TLoginForm.OnIdleProcess和OnIdleProcessForm方法将满足此属性的预期
  • 如果OnIdle未设置(即等于nil),它将简单地等待后台进程完成,直到RunAndWait()返回*

property OnIdleBackgroundThreadActive: boolean read GetOnIdleBackgroundThreadActive;


  • 例如,用于确保用户界面消息不会重新进入*

1.3.10. TSynBackgroundThreadEvent

TSynBackgroundThreadEvent = class(TSynBackgroundThreadMethodAbstract)


constructor Create(const aOnProcess: TOnProcessSynBackgroundThread; const aOnIdle: TOnIdleSynBackgroundThread; const aThreadName: RawUtf8); reintroduce;


  • 如果aOnIdle未设置(即等于nil),它将简单地等待后台进程完成,直到RunAndWait()返回*

property OnProcess: TOnProcessSynBackgroundThread read fOnProcess write fOnProcess;


  • 由RunAndWait()方法触发 - 该方法将等待直到完成
  • 在RunAndWait()中指定的OpaqueParam将在此处提供*

1.3.11. TSynBackgroundThreadMethod

TSynBackgroundThreadMethod = class(TSynBackgroundThreadMethodAbstract)


procedure RunAndWait(Method: TThreadMethod); reintroduce;


  • 使用此方法,而不是继承的RunAndWait()*

1.3.12. TSynBackgroundThreadProcedure

TSynBackgroundThreadProcedure = class(TSynBackgroundThreadMethodAbstract)


constructor Create(aOnProcess: TOnProcessSynBackgroundThreadProc; const aOnIdle: TOnIdleSynBackgroundThread; const aThreadName: RawUtf8); reintroduce;


  • 如果aOnIdle未设置(即等于nil),它将简单地等待后台进程完成,直到RunAndWait()返回*

property OnProcess: TOnProcessSynBackgroundThreadProc read fOnProcess write fOnProcess;


  • 由RunAndWait()方法触发 - 该方法将等待直到完成
  • 在RunAndWait()中指定的OpaqueParam将在此处提供*

1.3.13. TSynBackgroundThreadProcess

TSynBackgroundThreadProcess = class(TSynBackgroundThreadAbstract)


constructor Create(const aThreadName: RawUtf8; const aOnProcess: TOnSynBackgroundThreadProcess; aOnProcessMS: cardinal; const aOnBeforeExecute: TOnNotifyThread = nil; const aOnAfterExecute: TOnNotifyThread = nil; aStats: TSynMonitorClass = nil; CreateSuspended: boolean = false); reintroduce; virtual;


  • 当调用ProcessEvent.SetEvent或自上次处理以来已经过去了aOnProcessMS毫秒周期时,将调用aOnProcess
  • 如果aOnProcessMS为0,将等待直到调用ProcessEvent.SetEvent
  • 可以定义一些回调来嵌套线程执行,例如分配给TRestServer.BeginCurrentThread/EndCurrentThread*

destructor Destroy; override;


property OnException: TNotifyEvent read fOnException write fOnException;


  • 提供的Sender参数是引发的异常实例*

property OnProcess: TOnSynBackgroundThreadProcess read fOnProcess;


property OnProcessMS: cardinal read fOnProcessMS write fOnProcessMS;


property Stats: TSynMonitor read fStats;


  • 如果在类构造函数中aStats为nil,则可能为nil*

1.3.14. TSynBackgroundTimerTask

TSynBackgroundTimerTask = record


Low-level access to the internal task list wrapper and safe

1.3.15. TSynBackgroundTimer

TSynBackgroundTimer = class(TSynBackgroundThreadProcess)


  • 例如,通过TRest.TimerEnable/TimerDisable方法使用,通过继承的TRestBackgroundTimer
  • 每个进程可以有自己的text消息FIFO队列
  • 如果你expect更新某些GUI,你应该使用TTimer组件(例如,周期为200ms),因为TSynBackgroundTimer将使用自己的独立线程*

constructor Create(const aThreadName: RawUtf8; const aOnBeforeExecute: TOnNotifyThread = nil; aOnAfterExecute: TOnNotifyThread = nil; aStats: TSynMonitorClass = nil; aLogClass: TSynLogClass = nil); reintroduce; virtual;


  • 你可以定义一些回调来嵌套线程执行,例如分配给TRestServer.BeginCurrentThread/EndCurrentThread,如TRestBackgroundTimer.Create所做的那样*

destructor Destroy; override;


function DeQueue(const aOnProcess: TOnSynBackgroundTimerProcess; const aMsg: RawUtf8): boolean;


  • 提供的消息将在与aOnProcess相关联的内部FIFO列表中搜索,如果找到则从列表中移除
  • aOnProcess应通过之前的调用到Enable()方法进行注册
  • 如果成功则返回true,如果提供的消息未注册则返回false*

function Disable(const aOnProcess: TOnSynBackgroundTimerProcess): boolean;


  • aOnProcess应通过之前的调用到Enable()方法进行注册
  • 如果成功则返回true,如果提供的task未注册则返回false
  • 对于mORMot服务上的后台进程,考虑使用TRestServer的TimerEnable/TimerDisable方法及其TSynBackgroundTimer线程*

function EnQueue(const aOnProcess: TOnSynBackgroundTimerProcess; const aMsgFmt: RawUtf8; const Args: array of const; aExecuteNow: boolean = false): boolean; overload;


  • 提供的消息将添加到与aOnProcess相关联的内部FIFO列表中,然后作为aMsg参数每次调用时提供
  • 如果aExecuteNow为true,则不会等待下一个aOnProcessSecs的发生
  • aOnProcess应通过之前的调用到Enable()方法进行注册
  • 如果成功则返回true,如果提供的task未注册则返回false*

function EnQueue(const aOnProcess: TOnSynBackgroundTimerProcess; const aMsg: RawUtf8; aExecuteNow: boolean = false): boolean; overload;


  • 提供的消息将添加到与aOnProcess相关联的内部FIFO列表中,然后作为aMsg参数每次调用时提供
  • 如果aExecuteNow为true,则不会等待下一个aOnProcessSecs的发生
  • aOnProcess应通过之前的调用到Enable()方法进行注册
  • 如果成功则返回true,如果提供的task未注册则返回false*

function ExecuteNow(const aOnProcess: TOnSynBackgroundTimerProcess): boolean;


  • aOnProcess应通过之前的调用到Enable()方法进行注册
  • 如果成功则返回true,如果提供的task未注册则返回false*

function ExecuteOnce(const aOnProcess: TOnSynBackgroundTimerProcess): boolean;


  • aOnProcess不应通过之前的调用到Enable()方法进行注册*

procedure Enable(const aOnProcess: TOnSynBackgroundTimerProcess; aOnProcessSecs: cardinal);


  • 对于mORMot服务上的后台进程,考虑使用TRest的TimerEnable/TimerDisable方法及其关联的BackgroundTimer线程*

procedure WaitUntilNotProcessing(timeoutsecs: integer = 10);


property Processing: boolean read fProcessing;


property Task: TSynBackgroundTimerTaskDynArray read fTask;


property Tasks: TDynArrayLocked read fTasks;


1.3.16. TBlockingProcess

TBlockingProcess = class(TSynEvent)


  • 例如,在中的TBlockingCallback中使用
  • 一旦创建,进程将通过WaitFor调用进行阻塞,当进程后台线程调用NotifyFinished时,阻塞将被释放*

constructor Create(aTimeOutMs: integer); reintroduce; overload; virtual;


  • 指定阻塞执行应被视为失败的超时毫秒数(如果设置为0,则默认使用3000)*
  • 创建一个与之关联的互斥锁,并由该实例拥有*

constructor Create(aTimeOutMs: integer; aSafe: PSynLocker); reintroduce; overload; virtual;


  • 指定阻塞执行应被视为失败的超时毫秒数(如果设置为0,则默认使用3000)*
  • 应提供一个关联的互斥锁*

destructor Destroy; override;


function NotifyFinished(alreadyLocked: boolean = false): boolean; virtual;


  • 调用者随后将允许其WaitFor方法返回
  • 如果成功则返回TRUE(即状态不是evRaised或evTimeout)
  • 如果实例已经被锁定(例如,从TBlockingProcessPool.FromCallLocked检索时),你可以设置alreadyLocked=TRUE*

function Reset: boolean; virtual;


  • 在成功完成WaitFor/NotifyFinished过程后,可以使用它来重用同一个TBlockingProcess实例
  • 如果成功则返回TRUE(即状态不是evWaiting),将当前状态设置为evNone,并将Call属性设置为0
  • 如果当前正在进行WaitFor过程,则返回FALSE*

function WaitFor: TBlockingEvent; reintroduce; overload; virtual;


  • 返回进程的最终状态,即evRaised或evTimeOut*

function WaitFor(TimeOutMS: integer): TBlockingEvent; reintroduce; overload;


  • 返回进程的最终状态,即evRaised或evTimeOut*

procedure Lock;


procedure Unlock;


property Event: TBlockingEvent read fEvent;


  • 使用Reset方法可以在WaitFor过程后重用此实例*

property TimeOutMs: integer read fTimeOutMS;


1.3.17. TBlockingProcessPoolItem

TBlockingProcessPoolItem = class(TBlockingProcess)

A semaphore used in the TBlockingProcessPool
- such semaphore have a Call field to identify each execution

property Call: TBlockingProcessPoolCall read fCall;

An unique identifier, when owned by a TBlockingProcessPool
- Reset would restore this field to its 0 default value

1.3.18. TBlockingProcessPool

TBlockingProcessPool = class(TSynPersistent)

Manage a pool of TBlockingProcessPoolItem instances
- each call will be identified via a TBlockingProcessPoolCall unique value
- to be used to emulate e.g. blocking execution from an asynchronous event-driven DDD process
- it would also allow to re-use TEvent system resources

constructor Create(aClass: TBlockingProcessPoolItemClass = nil); reintroduce;

Set TBlockingProcessPoolItem.Call initialize the pool, for a given implementation class

destructor Destroy; override;

Finalize the pool
- would also force all pending WaitFor to trigger a evTimeOut

function FromCall(call: TBlockingProcessPoolCall; locked: boolean = false): TBlockingProcessPoolItem; virtual;

Retrieve a TBlockingProcess from its call identifier
- may be used e.g. from the callback of the asynchronous process to set some additional parameters to the inherited TBlockingProcess, then call NotifyFinished to release the caller WaitFor
- if leavelocked is TRUE, the returned instance would be locked: caller should execute result.Unlock or NotifyFinished(true) after use

function NewProcess(aTimeOutMs: integer): TBlockingProcessPoolItem; virtual;

Book a TBlockingProcess from the internal pool
- returns nil on error (e.g. the instance is destroying)
- or returns the blocking process instance corresponding to this call; its Call property would identify the call for the asynchronous callback, then after WaitFor, the Reset method should be run to release the mutex for the pool

1.3.19. TSynParallelProcessThread

TSynParallelProcessThread = class(TSynBackgroundThreadMethodAbstract)

Thread executing process for TSynParallelProcess

1.3.20. TSynParallelProcess

TSynParallelProcess = class(TSynPersistentLock)

Allow parallel execution of an index-based process in a thread pool
- will create its own thread pool, then execute any method by spliting the work into each thread

constructor Create(ThreadPoolCount: integer; const ThreadName: RawUtf8; const OnBeforeExecute: TOnNotifyThread = nil; const OnAfterExecute: TOnNotifyThread = nil; MaxThreadPoolCount: integer = 32); reintroduce; virtual;

Initialize the thread pool
- you could define some callbacks to nest the thread execution, e.g. assigned to TRestServer.BeginCurrentThread/EndCurrentThread
- up to MaxThreadPoolCount=32 threads could be setup (you may allow a bigger value, but interrest of this thread pool is to have its process saturating each CPU core)
- if ThreadPoolCount is 0, no thread would be created, and process would take place in the current thread

destructor Destroy; override;

Finalize the thread pool

procedure ParallelRunAndWait(const Method: TOnSynParallelProcess; MethodCount: integer; const OnMainThreadIdle: TNotifyEvent = nil);

Run a method in parallel, and wait for the execution to finish
- will split Method[0..MethodCount-1] execution over the threads
- in case of any exception during process, an ESynParallel exception would be raised by this method
- if OnMainThreadIdle is set, the current thread (which is expected to be e.g. the main UI thread) won't process anything, but call this event during waiting for the background threads

property ParallelRunCount: integer read fParallelRunCount;

How many threads have been activated

property ThreadName: RawUtf8 read fThreadName;

Some text identifier, used to distinguish each owned thread

property ThreadPoolCount: integer read fThreadPoolCount;

How many threads are currently in this instance thread pool

1.3.21. TSynThread

TSynThread = class(TThreadAbstract)

A simple TThread with a "Terminate" event run in the thread context
- the TThread.OnTerminate event is run within Synchronize() so did not match our expectations to be able to release the resources in the thread context which created them (e.g. for COM objects, or some DB drivers)
- used internally by THttpServerGeneric.NotifyThreadStart() - you should not have to use the protected fOnThreadTerminate event handler
- also define a Start method for compatibility with older versions of Delphi

constructor Create(CreateSuspended: boolean); reintroduce; virtual;

Initialize the thread instance, in non suspended state

function SleepOrTerminated(MS: cardinal): boolean;

Safe version of Sleep() which won't break the thread process
- returns TRUE if the thread was Terminated
- returns FALSE if successfully waited up to MS milliseconds

property StartNotified: TObject read fStartNotified write fStartNotified;

Ensure fOnThreadTerminate is called only if NotifyThreadStart has been done

1.3.22. TNotifiedThread

TNotifiedThread = class(TSynThread)

Abstract class to implement a thread with start/stop notifications
- e.g. a server thread
- do not use this class, but rather the THttpServer, THttpApiServer or TWebSocketServer (as defined in

constructor Create(CreateSuspended: boolean; const OnStart, OnStop: TOnNotifyThread; const ProcessName: RawUtf8); reintroduce; virtual;

Initialize the server instance, in non suspended state

procedure SetServerThreadsAffinityPerCpu( const log: ISynLog; const threads: TThreadDynArray);

Assign each thread to a single logical CPU core
- for instance, for a HTTP server, it may ensure better scalability with short-living requests and high number of threads

procedure SetServerThreadsAffinityPerSocket( const log: ISynLog; const threads: TThreadDynArray);

Assign each thread to a single hardware CPU socket
- for instance, for a HTTP server, it may ensure better scalability on complex hardware with several physical CPU packages - but it is very picky, so should be enabled only with proper testing on the actual HW

1.3.23. TLoggedThread

TLoggedThread = class(TSynThread)

Abstract class to implement a thread with logging notifications

constructor Create(CreateSuspended: boolean; Logger: TSynLogClass; const ProcName: RawUtf8); reintroduce; virtual;

Initialize the server instance, in non suspended state

procedure TerminateAndWaitFinished(TimeOutMs: integer = 5000); virtual;

Notify the thread to be terminated, and wait for DoExecute to finish

property LogClass: TSynLogClass read fLogClass;

The associated logging class

property ProcessName: RawUtf8 read fProcessName;

The name of this thread, as supplied to SetCurrentThreadName()

1.3.24. TLoggedWorkThread

TLoggedWorkThread = class(TLoggedThread)

A class able to run some process in a background thread
- with proper logging and eventual ending notification

constructor Create(Logger: TSynLogClass; const ProcessName: RawUtf8; const NameValuePairs: array of const; const OnExecute: TOnLoggedWorkProcess; const OnExecuted: TNotifyEvent = nil); reintroduce; overload;

This constructor will directly start the thread in background
- with the context as a TDocVariantData object with name/value pairs

constructor Create(Logger: TSynLogClass; const ProcessName: RawUtf8; Sender: TObject; const OnExecute: TNotifyEvent; const OnExecuted: TNotifyEvent = nil); reintroduce; overload;

This constructor will directly start the thread in background
- with the context as a regular TNotifyEvent

1.3.25. TSynThreadPoolWorkThread

TSynThreadPoolWorkThread = class(TSynThread)

Defines the work threads used by TSynThreadPool

constructor Create(Owner: TSynThreadPool); reintroduce;

Exception-safe call of fOwner.Task() initialize the thread

destructor Destroy; override;

Finalize the thread

procedure Execute; override;

Will loop for any pending task, and execute fOwner.Task()

property Owner: TSynThreadPool read fOwner;

The associated thread pool

1.3.26. TSynThreadPool

TSynThreadPool = class(TObject)

A simple Thread Pool, used e.g. for fast handling HTTP/1.0 requests
- implemented over I/O Completion Ports under Windows, or a classical Event-driven approach under Linux/POSIX

constructor Create(NumberOfThreads: integer = 32; aOverlapHandle: THandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; const aName: RawUtf8 = '');

Initialize a thread pool with the supplied number of threads
- abstract Task() virtual method will be called by one of the threads
- up to 256 threads can be associated to a Thread Pool
- on Windows, can optionaly accept aOverlapHandle - a handle previously opened using Windows Overlapped I/O (IOCP)
- on POSIX, aQueuePendingContext=true will store the pending context into an internal queue, so that Push() returns true until the queue is full

destructor Destroy; override;

Shut down the Thread pool, releasing all associated threads

function Push(aContext: pointer; aWaitOnContention: boolean = false): boolean;

Let a task (specified as a pointer) be processed by the Thread Pool
- returns false if there is no idle thread available in the pool and Create(aQueuePendingContext=false) was used (caller should retry later); if aQueuePendingContext was true in Create, or IOCP is used, the supplied context will be added to an internal list and handled when possible
- if aWaitOnContention is default false, returns immediately when the queue is full; set aWaitOnContention=true to wait up to ContentionAbortDelay ms and retry to queue the task

property ContentionAbortCount: cardinal read fContentionAbortCount;

How many tasks were rejected due to thread pool contention
- if this number is high, consider setting a higher number of threads, or profile and tune the Task method

property ContentionAbortDelay: integer read fContentionAbortDelay write fContentionAbortDelay;

Milliseconds delay to reject a connection due to contention
- default is 5000, i.e. 5 seconds wait for some room to be available in the IOCP or aQueuePendingContext internal list
- during this delay, no new connection is available (i.e. Accept is not called), so that a load balancer could detect the contention and switch to another instance in the pool, or a direct client may eventually have its connection rejected, so won't start sending data

property ContentionCount: cardinal read fContentionCount;

How many times the pool waited for an available slot in the queue
- contention won't fail immediately, but will retry until ContentionAbortDelay
- any high number here may better increase the threads count
- use this property and ContentionTime to compute the average contention time

property ContentionTime: Int64 read fContentionTime;

Total milliseconds spent waiting for an available slot in the queue
- contention won't fail immediately, but will retry until ContentionAbortDelay
- any high number here requires code refactoring of the Task method

property RunningThreads: integer read fRunningThreads;

How many threads are currently processing tasks in this thread pool
- is in the range 0..WorkThreadCount

property WorkThread: TSynThreadPoolWorkThreads read fWorkThread;

Low-level access to the threads defined in this thread pool

property WorkThreadCount: integer read fWorkThreadCount;

How many threads are available in the pool
- maps Create() parameter, i.e. 32 by default

1.4. Types implemented in the mormot.core.threads unit

1.4.1. TBlockingEvent

TBlockingEvent = ( evNone, evWaiting, evTimeOut, evRaised );

The current state of a TBlockingProcess instance

1.4.2. TBlockingProcessPoolCall

TBlockingProcessPoolCall = type integer;

Used to identify each TBlockingProcessPool call
- allow to match a given TBlockingProcessPoolItem semaphore

1.4.3. TBlockingProcessPoolItemClass

TBlockingProcessPoolItemClass = class of TBlockingProcessPoolItem;

Class-reference type (metaclass) of a TBlockingProcess

1.4.4. TEvent

TEvent = syncobjs.TEvent;

Defined here to avoid explicit link to syncobjs in uses clause
- note that you may better use TSynEvent from mormot.core.os.pas

1.4.5. TOnIdleSynBackgroundThread

TOnIdleSynBackgroundThread = procedure(Sender: TSynBackgroundThreadAbstract; ElapsedMS: integer) of object;

Idle method called by TSynBackgroundThreadAbstract in the caller thread during remote blocking process in a background thread
- typical use is to run Application.ProcessMessages, e.g. for TRestClientUri.Uri() to provide a responsive UI even in case of slow blocking remote access
- provide the time elapsed (in milliseconds) from the request start (can be used e.g. to popup a temporary message to wait)
- is call once with ElapsedMS=0 at request start
- is call once with ElapsedMS=-1 at request ending
- see TLoginForm.OnIdleProcess and OnIdleProcessForm in mORMotUILogin.pas

1.4.6. TOnLoggedWorkProcess

TOnLoggedWorkProcess = procedure(const Context: TDocVariantData) of object;

Event called in a background thread by TLoggedWorkThread.Create

1.4.7. TOnNotifyThread

TOnNotifyThread = procedure(Sender: TThread) of object;

Event prototype used e.g. by TSynBackgroundThreadAbstract and TSynThread callbacks

1.4.8. TOnProcessSynBackgroundThread

TOnProcessSynBackgroundThread = procedure(Sender: TSynBackgroundThreadEvent; ProcessOpaqueParam: pointer) of object;

Background process method called by TSynBackgroundThreadEvent
- will supply the OpaqueParam parameter as provided to RunAndWait() method when the Process virtual method will be executed

1.4.9. TOnProcessSynBackgroundThreadProc

TOnProcessSynBackgroundThreadProc = procedure(ProcessOpaqueParam: pointer);

Background process procedure called by TSynBackgroundThreadProcedure
- will supply the OpaqueParam parameter as provided to RunAndWait() method when the Process virtual method will be executed

1.4.10. TOnSynBackgroundThreadProcess

TOnSynBackgroundThreadProcess = procedure(Sender: TSynBackgroundThreadProcess) of object;

Event callback executed periodically by TSynBackgroundThreadProcess

1.4.11. TOnSynBackgroundTimerProcess

TOnSynBackgroundTimerProcess = procedure(Sender: TSynBackgroundTimer; const Msg: RawUtf8) of object;

Event callback executed periodically by TSynBackgroundThreadProcess
- Msg is '' if there is no pending message in this task FIFO
- Msg is set for each pending message in this task FIFO
- on mORMot 1, there was a TWaitEvent parameter which is now removed

1.4.12. TOnSynParallelProcess

TOnSynParallelProcess = procedure(IndexStart, IndexStop: integer) of object;

Callback implementing some parallelized process for TSynParallelProcess
- if 0<=IndexStart<=IndexStop, it should execute some process

1.4.13. TPendingTaskListItemDynArray

TPendingTaskListItemDynArray = array of TPendingTaskListItem;

Internal list definition, used by TPendingTaskList storage

1.4.14. TSynBackgroundThreadProcessStep

TSynBackgroundThreadProcessStep = ( flagIdle, flagStarted, flagFinished, flagDestroying );

State machine status of the TSynBackgroundThreadAbstract process

1.4.15. TSynBackgroundThreadProcessSteps

TSynBackgroundThreadProcessSteps = set of TSynBackgroundThreadProcessStep;

State machine statuses of the TSynBackgroundThreadAbstract process

1.4.16. TSynBackgroundTimerTaskDynArray

TSynBackgroundTimerTaskDynArray = array of TSynBackgroundTimerTask;

Protect Msg[] list stores TSynBackgroundTimer internal registration list

1.4.17. TThreadDynArray

TThreadDynArray = array of TThread;

A dynamic array of TThread

1.4.18. TWaitResult

TWaitResult = syncobjs.TWaitResult;

Defined here to avoid explicit link to syncobjs in uses clause
- note that you may better use TSynEvent from mormot.core.os.pas

1.5. Constants implemented in the mormot.core.threads unit



Allow up to 256 * 2MB = 512MB of RAM for the TSynThreadPoolWorkThread stack

1.5.2. wrSignaled

wrSignaled = syncobjs.wrSignaled;

Please favor TSynEvent from mormot.core.os instead of TEvent defined here to avoid explicit link to syncobjs in uses clause







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