
news/2024/10/12 18:20:42
  1. about(大约)= or so

  2. a couple of=several =a few

  3. a (large) number of= many

  4. a little =a little bit

  5. a lot of=lots of= many/much

  6. a piece of advice =a suggestion

  7. a quarter to five =four forty-five

  8. a teacher with experience =an experienced teacher

  9. a two-hour walk= two hours’ walk =two hours on foot

  10. achieve one’s dream= realize one's dream=make one’s dream come true

  11. actually=in fact= as a matter of fact

  12. advise sb to do sth. =suggest one's doing

  13. can't afford to do sth. =don’t have enough money to do sth

  14. again =once more

  15. always=all the time

  16. all of a sudden= suddenly

  17. alone=on one’s own =by oneself

  18. also= as well

  19. among= one of

  20. an hour and a half= one and a half hours

  21. angrily=in anger

  22. argue with sb. = have an argument with sb

  23. arrive at/in=get to... =reach

  24. as…as sb can=as …as possible

  25. as a result=so

  26. as a result of ...=because of

  27. as is known to all=as we all know

  28. be against... =be not for = don't agree with

  29. be bored with sth. =be tired of sth 47

  30. be confident of= have confidence in

  31. be crowded with=be full of=be filled with

  32. be different from=be not the same as

  33. be free= have time

  34. be fit for= fit

  35. be harmful to = do harm to

  36. be healthy =be in good health

  37. be interested in=have/show/take interest in

  38. be in charge of=be in control of

  39. be kind to=be friendly to

  40. be late for school =come late to school=go to school late

  41. be opposite (to)=be across from

  42. be pleased with =be satisfied with

  43. be popular with =be popular among

  44. be good at=do well in

  45. be suitable for…=be fit for …
    46 be used to do sth =be used for doing sth

  46. because of=due to

  47. believe in= have belief in

  48. beside=next to

  49. besides=what's more

  50. both of us=we both

  51. buy sb sth. =buy sth. for sb

  52. by ship=on a ship=take a ship

  53. call sb. =give sb. a call=make a telephone call to sb. =ring sb. up

  54. care for= take care of= look after

  55. a century =one hundred years

  56. certainly= of course

  57. circle=go/move/turn/travel around

  58. come up =happen 48

  59. come up with=think of

  60. congratulate sb. on sth. = congratulations to sb. on sth

  61. consider…as= regard...as…=treat…as...=think of… as… =see... as…

  62. continue to do/ sth. =go on to do/doing sth. =go on with sth.

  63. cross =v.+ across

  64. cut up=cut into pieces

  65. decide to do sth. =make a decision to do sth. =make up one’s mind to do sth

  66. discuss sth. =have a discussion about sth.

  67. do sports= take exercise

  68. do sth. daily =do sth. every day

  69. don’t have to do sth= needn't do sth

  70. each of=every one of

  71. end=be over

  72. enter =go/come into

  73. enjoy oneself= have fun= have a good time

  74. everywhere =here and there

  75. every eight days=every eighth day

  76. e-mail sb. =send an e-mail to sb

  77. fail(in)the exam= not pass the exam

  78. fall off=fall down from

  79. favorite= like…best

  80. feed sb. on sth. =feed sth. to sb.

  81. feel like doing sth. =want to do sth. =would like to do sth

  82. finally=at last=in the end

  83. fly to sp. =go to sp. by plane/on a plane/by air

  84. follow =come/go after

  85. give sb a hand= help sb

  86. give sb. sth= give sth. to sb

  87. go for a picnic=go on a picnic

  88. hands up=put up one’s hand=raise one’s hand 49

90 happen to do sth. =do sth. by chance/accident
91. hardly =almost not
92. have a deep breath=breathe deeply
93. have a headache=have a pain in one’s head =one’s head is painful =one’s head hurts/aches
94. have the ability to do sth. =be able to do sth
95. hear from sb. =receive/get a letter from sb
96.home and abroad = all over the world =across the world=around the world
97.hope to do=hope that…
98.How old are you? = What's your age?
99. however +adj. /adv. = no matter how+ adj. /adv.
100. hurry to sp =go to sp. in a hurry
101. in a word=in short
102. in anger= angrily
103. in danger= at risk
104. in honor of=in memory of= to celebrate
105. in order that…=so that…
106. in order to do= so as to do
107. in the east of =in the eastern part of
108. instead of= rather than
109. join in=take part in
110. keep healthy =stay healthy =stay in shape
111. keep one's promise=keep one's word
112. keep... to oneself=keep... a secret
113. learn by oneself= teach oneself
114. learn from sb. =follow one's example
115. lie to sb. =tell a lie to sb
116. like…better than… =prefer... to…
117. less than= under
118. long, long ago= once upon a time
119. look after ...(well)=take (good) care of 50

  1. look forward to=expect to

  2. lose one's way =get/be lost

  3. Many thanks. =Thank you very much. =Thanks a lot

  4. more than =over

  5. no=not a(an)/any

  6. no longer=not any longer

  7. no matter what =whatever

  8. no more= not... any more

  9. nobody =no one=not anybody

  10. nothing=not anything

  11. now= at the moment

  12. on both sides of the road =on either/each side of the road

  13. on the team= be a member of the team

  14. on weekends=at weekends=on the weekend=at the weekend
    134.ought to do =should do=be supposed to do

  15. pay some money for sth=buy sth for some money = spend some money on sth/(in) doing
    sth=sth. cost sb. some money

  16. plan for sth= make a plan for sth
    137.plan to do sth. =make a plan to do sth

  17. plenty of=lots of

  18. prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. =would rather do sth. than do sth. =prefer doing sth. to

  19. prepare for= get ready for

  20. prevent/stop sb. (from)doing sth. =keep sb from doing sth

  21. provide sth. for sb. = provide sb with sth. =offer/give sb sth=offer/give sth. to sb

  22. quite a few =quite a lot of

  23. relax oneself=make oneself relaxed

  24. remember =don't forget

  25. reply to=answer

  26. respect sb=show respect for sb 51

  27. rest well=have a good rest

  28. return to sp.=go/ come back to sp.

  29. return sth. to sb. = give sth. back to sb

  30. reuse =use. again

  31. review=go over

  32. ride (a bike) to sp. =go to sp. by bike/on a bike

  33. Shall we …?=What/ How about doing?=Let’s…=Why not…? = Why don’t we …?

  34. show sb. sth.=show sth.to sb

  35. since two years ago =for two years

  36. sit down=take/have a sit

  37. sometimes=at times=now and then=from time to time= once in a while

  38. need doing sth.= need to be done

  39. succeed in doing sth. =be successful in doing sth. =have/get success in doing sth. =do sth.
    161.such as=like

  40. take a train to sp. = go to sp. by train =go to sp. on a train

  41. take an active part in…=join in… actively

  42. take pride in= be proud of

  43. taste sth. =have/take a taste of sth.

  44. the cause of =the reason for

  45. the deaf=deaf people

  46. the poor =poor people

  47. the way to do sth. = the way of doing sth

  48. the whole afternoon =all the afternoon

  49. therefore= as a result

  50. though =although =even though=even if

  51. three quarters= three fourths

  52. too…to… =so that sb. can’t... =not…enough to do

  53. two meters high =two meters in height

  54. walk to sp. =go to sp. on foot 52

  55. wear=have on=be in

  56. whenever= no matter when

  57. Why not do sth. =Why don't you do sth.

  58. with the help of =with one’s help=because of =due to = thanks to

  59. without anything=with nothing

  60. What's the price of sth. =How much is sth. =How much does sth. cost? =How much is it

  61. What's wrong with…? =what's the matter/trouble with...?

  62. wonder=want to know






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