Code Llama

news/2024/10/15 2:32:46

Code Llama




  • Code Llama is an AI model built on top of Llama 2, fine-tuned for generating and discussing code.
  • It’s free for research and commercial use.


Today, we’re releasing Code Llama, a large language model (LLM) that can use text prompts to generate and discuss code. Code Llama is state-of-the-art for publicly available LLMs on coding tasks. It has the potential to make workflows faster and more efficient for developers and lower the barrier to entry for people who are learning to code. Code Llama has the potential to be used as a productivity and educational tool to help programmers write more robust, well-documented software.



Code Llama is designed to support software engineers in all sectors — including research, industry, open source projects, NGOs and businesses. But there are still many more use cases to support. We hope Code Llama will inspire others to leverage Llama 2 to create new innovative tools for research and commercial products.

Learn more about Code Llama on our AI blog or download the Code Llama model.





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